Saturday, January 3, 2009

Deja Vu ....

Have you ever visited a store for the first time and had it feel eerily familiar? Or maybe you're deep in conversation with a friend and you suddenly get the feeling that you've had the exact conversation before, even though you know that you haven't. If you've ever found yourself in either of these situations, you've experienced déjà vu. Sixty to 70 percent of us admit to getting this feeling at least once in our lives.

Déjà vu is a French term that literally means "already seen" and has several variations, including déjà vécu, already experienced; déjà senti, already thought; and déjà visité, already visited. French scientist Emile Boirac, one of the first to study this strange phenomenon, gave the subject its name in 1876.

Researchers have their own definitions, but generally déjà vu is described as the feeling that you've seen or experienced something before when you know you haven't. The most common misuse of the term déjà vu seems to be with precognitive experiences -- experiences where someone gets a feeling that they know exactly what's going to happen next, and it does. An important distinction is that déjà vu is experienced during an event, not before. Precognitive experiences -- if they are real -- show things that will happen in the future, not things that you've already experienced.

Hallucinations that are brought on by illness or drugs sometimes bring a heightened awareness and are confused with déjà vu. False memories that are brought on by schizophrenia can be confused with déjà vu as well. Unlike true déjà vu, which typically lasts from 10 to 30 seconds, these false memories or hallucinations can last much longer.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Death Management..!!

How do you cope with the loss of a loved one???
So, you’ve lost a spouse, mother, father, child or sibling and you’re feeling numb.
What you do next, in both the short term and the long term, will have a direct impact on your mental, physical and spiritual well being.
It can make the difference between long days of depression and a manageable lifestyle in the days and years ahead.

Cry For Your Loss
Don’t buy into the myth, especially if you’re a guy, that you have to act a certain way. It is natural to cry. And, listen to this: it is necessary to cry.
There’s an old expression that says that crying is pain leaving the body. There’s a lot of truth to that.

Talk About Your Loved One
There’s no lonelier feeling than the one in the pit of your stomach about a month after the funeral. It seems like that loved one is still very much in your life, tugging at your heart strings daily. But, it also seems like the rest of the world has gone on with the daily routine.
Find someone, a dear friend, who is comfortable with the conversation and talk about that person. It’s a necessary part of the grieving process. You want everyone to know the quirks of dear old dad and it’s really more for you than it is for them.

Honor the Memory of the Deceased
The dates on the calendar are tough. Birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, they all hurt, especially the first time around.
Especially during the first year, find a way to make them (or their memory) part of those special days. Eat at their favorite restaurant, buy a gift for a family member in their honor, do something that sparks an old memory.

Allow for Time to Heal
The frown won’t change in a second. It will take time. At first, when you remember your loved one, it’s going to hurt. Honoring them will help because it will help you feel like the memory is alive, even when the person is not.
At some later date, you will remember them with a smile and a fond memory. That happens at a different time for everyone.
Your time will come. But don’t try to rush it.

Think About Their Wishes
What would they want you to do? They probably wouldn’t want you sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. This will be hard in the beginning. But, as time begins to heal, think of ways to live your life that will honor the loved one. Being the best you can be, knowing that they are counting on you to do that will help. You can go on with your life and bring them with you. That’s what they’d want

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mercy Killing --Right to Live or Right to Die?

Euthanasia or Mercy Killing is the act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, through lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment.Most or even all religions prohibit euthanasia, if we want to say it flat, no religion or human law allow a person to kill another by any means to relieve him from pain or permanent illness.

Allot of times when an ill person suffers severe pain and causes pain for people around him, loses hope and his pain doubles and he wish he could just die and relieve him self and his family...But does that give anybody the right to end his life, including himself.The act of giving and taking life is purely in the hands of GOD, It is very hard to experience pain and illness but a believer should always have faith, for a cure or a reward, and no matter how big was the mercy of a doctor or relative or any human, it equals nothing compared to the mercy of GOD.However in some cases when a patient is brain dead, and it's clear that the life support machine become at no use, then why don't we just let him rest in peace.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Power of Money..-- Humans are puppets??????

How does money change people?

Having lots of money can be like a drug. It can make you feel powerful and giddy. It can convince you that everything's going to be okay. Years ago they asked the great fighter Joe Louis what he thought about money, and he said, "I don't like money very much, but it calms my nerves." Money makes us unjustifiably feel that we're better and more important than we really are. When money can make you feel humble, then I think it's really useful. But if it fattens your ego, which it often does, then look out.

That way lies madness. That's what all the Greek tragedies are about -- hubris -- and that's part of the problem with money. It is greatness, it is power, it is beauty. Money is about love and relationships. It has a wonderful power to bring people together as well as tear them apart. You can't escape money. If you run from it, it will chase you and catch you..

Money has occupied a very high position in the hearts of a man. People think that , having lots of money is equivalent to heaven. Money is the only thing which can bring extremes happiness & sadness in a soul. 

There is also an another relationship between money & the character of a human soul, mathematically both money & character are inversely proportional. If a person possess lots of money, he is found that he forgets an element called character & vice versa. People having both are termed as "extinct"..

Money's influence  & Goodwill have a very slender difference both cannot be seen but however its presence can be easily felt. Goodwill will always have positive impact unlike money's influence which can turn in anyway at any point of time.

Money plays a very crucial role right from small petty shops to the countries political decision. in india political decision are decided by "money" . Money in india has reached an alarming stage right from Telgi scam to the Nuclear Deal. Every single politician is an slave of money. The urge to earn huge amount  of money has given many way to unethical issues in this country. In fact this is the root cause of terrorism. 

The urge for more..!   

Every single individual in this earth has the urge to earn a lots & lots of money but the main problem is, they never  see the way they are taking to earn that stuff. Money's presence has blocked human's ability to think in what they are doing to earn money , All they see is to earn money, buy a huge bungalow , a BMW car & a farm house near the beach. They never bother even if that earnings are from illegal activities. They never hesitate to cheat others, act fraudulently & the urge of earning money can even make an individual to commit a murder also. This is what money can bring a change in a human's character.

Need for Moral Thinking.. 

People need to possess very basic thinking in their life. All they need is a bit of moral thinking & they just need to identify which is good & bad with a pinch of empathy in it. They also should know the cause & effect of every action which a human does

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A mother’s love is truly very great and priceless!

Mother's love is countless and meaningful. Her virtuous of kindness is hardly repaid by any precious things in this world. Her deep parental kindness in bringing us up and the hardships she has gone through will never be repaid as they are priceless. In other words, her love for her child is endless and indescribable!

In some important research, Mark Smith of DuPont Labs separated infant rats from their mothers for just 24 hours and then reexamined their brains for signs of apoptosis. That’s a process in which cells commit suicide. Apoptosis normally eliminates many cells as the brain establishes its complex wiring system.

Smith and his fellow researchers found that twice as many brain cells were dying in the mother-deprived rats than those kept with their mothers.

If we can assume that the same thing happens in human beings, children deprived of their mother’s love and attention in the first few months of their lives are actually losing brain cells. Their brains will be wired differently.

Her Maternal Instinct before Delivering Her Child

In the first month of pregnancy, the life of a fetus is unstable as tough a morning dew drop on the grass. The embryo then congeals like a piece of curd in the following month.

When she is carrying the fetus, she could not sit or stand properly as the fetus is as heavy as an iron ball. Neither can she eat or sleep properly. The fetus increases in weight daily. She feels as though she is carrying a mountain.

In the third month, the fetus looks like as tough a piece of coagulated blood. The fetus gradually forms into a slightly human shape in the fourth month. During the fifth month, a head, two hands and two legs start to take shape. In the sixth month, the child begins to develop into the essences of the six senses including eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. By the seventh month, the 360 bones and joints are formed. Following that the 84000 hair pores are complete. In the eighth month, the head gradually matures and endowed with mind-consciousness. Following that the nine apertures (two ears, two eyes, two nostrils, a mouth, the anus and the urethra) of the body are also opened. When the fetus is nine months old, she often feels the kicks and struggles in the womb, just like a vibration of earthquake. She can hardly get a good sleep, neither can she eat properly.

By the tenth month, the development of the fetus is fully developed and to be ready to be born. At the hospital, she undergoes extreme torture, great difficulty and pain for the smooth delivery of her new-born baby. For the sake of the child, her bloods flow out like a burst pipe

Her Deep Parental Kindness after Delivering Her Child

She will only be at peace when she knows that her child has arrived safely and she will carry him wherever she goes. She breast-feeds her child and brings him warmth and health.

She spends much time and energy to nurture her child from the time the child is born, throughout the periods of childhood, teenage and adulthood. After facing many hardships in nurturing the child, she only wishes to see her child mature into adult who is endowed with propriety, righteousness and virtuous conduct. When her child falls sick, she would be so worried she forgot to eat and drink. Very often, she would also fall sick due to over anxious of her child. She will always think of her child. No words can describe her deep concern for her child. When her child has to undergo sufferings, the kind mother will pray throughout the day, wishing that she is the one who suffers! Such kindness is indeed very deep and great.

Some children leave their home for years without sending any messages to her mothers. The mothers can only cry sorrowfully, expecting their arrival from day and night.

Some daughters may move to other place with their husbands after marriage. They simply forget their mothers who are left alone in the house. And she is greatly hurt. She is truly saddened by her unfaithful child.

When her child neglects her advice, or argues with her rudely and angrily without any respect, her feeling is greatly injured. So, the mothers can only sigh sadly. Very often, she comes across an arrogant son whom works hard just to please his wife but not her own mother. He will never greet or visit his mother, and neither will they inquire for their well-being. The lonely mother feels neglected and unwanted. By right, children should take good care of their mothers. Do not wait till she has gone away, then one feels regret for not being able to pay respect to his mother when she is still alive.

As a son or a daughter, one must not forget the hardships and sufferings that our mothers have gone through in bringing up life and taking good care of us. Otherwise, he or she is worse off than beasts. Our mothers brought up us with ultimate compassion and sympathy.

Our kind mother is indeed a pitiful yet respectable lady. She sacrifices her youth and beauty for her child in exchange for a tired and haggard appearance! She never gets angry and differs her child, though he is born crippled or with ugly appearance. With unbounded love and concern, she takes good care of her child throughout the day and night!

My deepest and sincere thanks to all mothers in the world


Life is action and action is power. Now, whom does this power belong to? Is it mine? No, never! Were it my power, I could use it at any time. But there have been many times when I wanted to use power and could not, precisely because this power does not belong to me. This power does not belong to any individual. It belongs to some higher realm.

Why do we want power? We want power because we feel that it will satisfy us in various ways. Within us we have the animal, the human and the divine. Although we have come out of the animal kingdom, we still have a good many animal propensities in our life. Although we are aspiring for a divine and higher life, the unlit, the obscure, the undivine animal and human in us are still predominant. To satisfy the animal in us, we want power to destroy the world. To satisfy the human in us, we want power to gain supremacy over others and lord it over them; we want power so that we can bring others under our control and make them extol us to the skies. To satisfy the divine in us, we want power so we can identify ourselves with all and sundry. The divine in us wants to become inseparably one with all human beings on earth.

There are three types of power usually seen in the present day world: machine power, man power and soul power. Machine power is to some extent blind. It takes tremendous joy in destroying the world. Although machine power is unconscious, even in its unconsciousness we notice that, in a subtle way, it enjoys destruction. But we must remember that this machine power is utilised by man power, by the power of man's fertile brain. So machine power can easily be brought under our control if we use our human brain power or, preferably, our heart power. Heart power is the power of love, the power of oneness. If we use the power of our love and the power of our oneness, then the power of destruction can easily be nullified.

In our day to day life we constantly exercise power, either in accepting or in rejecting reality. When we use power to accept reality with a view to transforming it, if necessity demands, then this power is called the soul's power, the power of the Source. But if we exercise power to reject the world situation, to reject the possibilities of the world, to reject this world because we feel that its sufferings and turmoil are past correction, then our own transformation and illumination will always remain for us a far cry

Each human being gets the opportunity to invoke power in various ways. Every day he gets the golden opportunity to invoke power with his hope. Hope is nothing but concealed power. When we cherish hope, we must know that we are consciously or unconsciously invoking an inner or higher power. Today's hope turns into tomorrow's actuality. Today's dream is bound to be fulfilled in tomorrow's reality. As hope is a power, so also is expectation a power. We expect many things from ourselves and from the world. We feel that today's expectation is going to bring down tomorrow's realisation. But in the spiritual life, we play the role without any expectation whatsoever. We feel that our role is to perform divine service, but not to expect the fruits thereof. If we can love, serve, pray and meditate with utmost sincerity, purity and self offering. then our God appointed realisation is bound to dawn. 

Monday, September 29, 2008

Fate or True Efforts...Which is True...?????

Man has invented & discovered almost everything in this planet right from electricity to cloning machine, but he hasnt got answers for one element which is playing a very signifiacnt role in this earth, FATE Or TRUE EFFORTS OF A HUMAN.!! What is the element that keeps man alive, is it his fate or his actions.? Some say that everything is decided by an element called "GOD" who has decided every single movement of a human. The above statement actually gives rise to a another debatable question - " Who is God?" & "Does that element exists?" . People doesnt have concrete answers for all these things & questions. There is another set of population who utters that , there is no element called as "fate". They tell that "Man is the creator of his own destiny". Actions of a man decides his goals & things which he needs to achieve in life. It is also believed that one's attitude & basic thinking decides his position in life. People say that elemets like hardwork, sincere efforts ,dignity , honesty , simplicity & ethical behaviour in life plays a very crucial role in one's life & which cannot be termed near or equal to the term fate. These are the basic attributes that a human has to learn to reach his destination . There is also an another way by which man creates his destiny which is by committing & correcting mistakes, learning from the past actions which he did ,unlearning sinful deeds & thoughts, etc. Above all a man can become error free if he follows " EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED". This will create an attribute in human called as forecasting which can provide solutions for the future trauma or troubles, which he may face. This can delete the quote " To error is human" from the all the minds. Who said that humans are not always perfect?? Is it impossible for humans to become inch perfect in each & every sphere of his own life..? If climbing Mt Everest, Dicovering electricity , Discovering the spherical shape of the Earth is possible, then making humans to be perfectionists is also possible.!! The solution to the debatable statement of "Efforts & Fate" is a chimera.!! According to me , a man's birthdate , his parents , physical appearence & his last day on earth is termed as "Fate". The remaining actions of his are termed as "Efforts". So Mathematically, efforts can be defined as
Efforts= Distance between both the fates ( birth & his death).So both fate & efforts are playing a crucial role in a man's life..

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'll try..!!

These two words - "I'll try" -are two of the most disempowering words we can use The only way of being powerful and in control of life is to be committed, which means saying either "yes" or "no" not "I'll try". Commitment is a source of personal power.Without commitment, self-mastery isn't possible. I'll try is the enemey of commitment.

Real power comes when you say 'yes' agaisnt all odds and do it.You go all out to keep your commitment .A person who does that is greatly admired because he has displayed a rare kind of inner power. But the greatest power comes from making a promise that you dont even know you are capable of fulfilling, You take such a promise as a challenge .When you do fullfil it , it will give you a power & courage that you have never experienced before. The word 'Yes"has million positive meanings..its an head on collision with life & its uncertanities. In this process Failure can come but these failures are termed as "sweet failures". These failures can bring a very good change in one's attitude & approach towards life. Positive approach , positive thinking & Positive thoughts can bring miracles to human if they have the urge to do the thing which they want to achieve.
The word I'll try is an adult game . It is only a polite way of refusing. Its a very safe satement which people always use at the time of crisis. The only solution to crisis situation is the word "Yes"..